Can I ask you a
Your photo session can be anywhere from 2 and longer depending on your requirements. but if we get the photographs before this time, you have the option to leave earlier.
The amount images can vary from 30 to 100 images. This is good because it allows you to choose the best images within the photo session.
Yes you can and you have the option to buy prints 8 × 10 with white mounts and wall art prints are 16 × 20, option to have mounts & frames.
All these are add on’s from your Photo session.
You pay by direct bank transfer to Lloyds bank.
The account details will be given to you on request of booking.
Once the date has been arranged and the payment has been acknowledge by the bank, your date will be secure and booked in at the studio, Airbnb or location venue.
You will receive an email of the booking.
My Studio / Location Photo Sessions start at the weekends only.
My weekdays are the times to prepare your photographs for retouching and preparation.
Weekend opening times (Photo Sessions)
10am - 6 pm both days
Weekdays office - Retouching
4pm till 9pm
Email anytime day or night
Studio rentals have rocketed through the roofs for hiring not to mention the gear that is used to capture your beautiful photographs.
Just a few things to make you aware of what it takes to be a pro photographer.
Training / knowledge / tutorials and memberships.
Software / Tethering / Photoshop.
Storage cards / Lights and other gear.
Backdrops / props
Rented studios
The list goes on…
Below is the Terms & Condition form
Once your committed to booking, please fill out this for to say you Agree.
+44 7493 049390
These terms and conditions are a mandatory document that the client / Model is obliged to read before performing a photo session. Signing up for the session is tantamount to reading and accepting the regulations. Failure to read this document does not exempt the customer from complying with it.
After booking the date of the session, the customer / model has 3 days days to make the transfer to the account number that will be supplied: Otherwise, I assume that the client / model resigns from the session.
Payment for the photo session takes place by bank transfer to Lloyds bank.
Photos are provided in digital 8 x 10 format Jpeg. No RAW files are given out.
The client receives they files to choose they selected images for editing/Retouching.
Models only receives processed files, which I choose myself.
The digital files are in Jpeg format only and not Raw files.
It is not possible to obtain unprocessed shots.
According to the copyright law, it is forbidden to interfere with the appearance of the photograph, e.g. to apply filters.
When booking a session with Rob Cooper Photography, it is assumed that the client / models fully agrees and accepts the assumptions of the photographer's work, i.e. the method of photography, the post-production process of photos, the sense of aesthetics and the style presented in the portfolio. There is no possibility of complaining about shots based on the above-mentioned aspects.
Please read my portfolio carefully. I reserve that each session differs from each other, and these changes result from different outdoor conditions (place, lighting, time of day and year), from the number of people taking part in the session, from the individual features of the appearance of the photographed people.
Model collaborations shoots are not entitled to all the photographs taken on the day but a set amount given by the photographer. after editing. Normally this can be 40 edited images which are Colour, Black & White from original colour images, cropped ratio of the same image. These are all edited in different ways within the 40 edited.
Sharing and distributing photos for profit/commercial purposes without my consent is prohibited.unless the photo session was an collaboration shoot / TFP.
The waiting time for finished photos is about 8 weeks. I reserve the right to extend this period for random reasons or, for example, holiday time. At the same time, I would like to emphasize that I make every effort to return the photos as soon as possible.
Please fill out the form below to “AGREE”
The form must be sent upon booking your photo session .