The downloadable Model Release Form

2024 / 2025

The wording and look below is identical to the terms & Condition that is said here online that it is when you download the form above.

Please read here and fill the requirements below and Summit the Agreed online form but also download the form below, read, print and sign then send back to me before the photo session.

Once you summit this digital form , you are agreeing to the terms and condition even without the paper release form. The paper model release form is just a copy / Hard copy to whats here online.


Photographer: Robert Cooper

Address: 26 Bright Street. York. YO26 4XS

Phone: 07493 049390

Models information

Model Name: _________________________

Birth Name: ____________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________

Postcode: ____________

Phone number: ______________________________

e-mail address: __________________________________________

Location of Photographs: _____________________________________


Receiving (tick as appropriate)

□ modelling fee in the amount of _____________ if the model is paid there are no images to


□ free digital images ____25

□ free prints _______

I, the model, grant you, the photographer, usage of the photographs subject to the following conditions:

I understand that the photographs taken of me during this photo session can be used wholly or in part in any publication (commercial, My website or any social media platforms, portfolio’s or public display (delete any that aren't applicable).

The photographs may be used to represent an imaginary person and any wording associated with all images taken from the photo session.

I acknowledge that by signing this form, subject to the usage restrictions above, I assign copyright to the photographer named above. No further payment will be due.

I have read this form carefully and fully understand the implications. I am 18+ years old or older.

Signed: ____________________________________

Date: _____________________

If the model is under 18 years of age, a parent or legal guardian must sign:

Parent/guardian: __________________________

Date: _____________________

Dream it, become it


Dream it, become it 〰️